RDBKA is an association for people who keep bees and for others interested in the craft within an area around Richmond town from Masham to Barnard Castle. It has been in existence since 1936 and like many other beekeeping associations has survived the ups and downs created by World Wars, financial markets, changing agricultural policy and local farming techniques.
RDBKA has over 160 members who range from beginner to expert.
We hold monthly meets outdoors on Sundays during the Spring and Summer at members' apiaries. Winter meetings are held indoors, usually on the 1st Monday of the month and, at present these are held in Richmond (Yorks) Golf Club (see events page for more information), these provide opportunities to learn from talks, demonstrations and discussing the year with fellow members. We can also help with swarms too.
RDBKA is affiliated to the Yorkshire Beekeepers' Association (YBKA) and the British Beekeepers' Association (BBKA).
RDBKA offers 'Experience Days', Weekend Courses, Beginners' Courses, Novices' Courses and can assist members wishing to take BBKA qualifications in beekeeping.
We have a Teaching Apiary for those wishing to practise handling skills whilst supervised, and where we also hold specific demonstrations of the craft. With prior notification and agreement, we can also offer specific talks on beekeeping. We have a small library and, with hundreds of years of members' experience between us, we can offer sound beekeeping advice at any level.
Beekeeping is both an interesting and rewarding hobby, however, honeybees need to be managed and and kept healthy like any other livestock. There is much to learn.
Is it for you? (before you rush out and buy some)
If you or someone around your bees suffers from anaphylactic shock then maybe beekeeping is not for you. You will get stung at some point ......
The easiest way to see if you will like beekeeping is to join the Association or attend a meeting.
To apply for membership, have a look at our membership page.
To contact us for more information use our contact page.
Copyright © 2025 Richmond & District Beekeepers' Association - All rights reserved
Registered Charity NO. 519638
Site by Moonburst